Proxy vs. VPN (HTTP(S))

The Proxy and the VPN-Server are both a node in the communication between the client and the server.

Both ways are hiding your IP and therefore can be used to bypass geo blocking. Never use an untrusted Proxy/VPN-Server for hacking, cause you don’t know what they do with these data. A very good example is, cause they gave the traffic data from some LulzSec hackers to the FBI. Just if you trust the Proxy/VPN-Server you should use it for you hacks.

For sensitive traffic, like banking, you should force an encrypted communication. Especially if you are in an untrusted network, like a free WiFi AP. You can either set your browser to use HTTPS only or use an encryped VPN communication with a trusted VPN-Server. This blocks an SSL-Stip attack from a Man-in-the-Middle. A Proxy won’t give you any advantages for that scenario.

Proxy – HTTP

Client                 Proxy                Server
   |<-- TCP handshake -->|                     |
   |--- HTTP request --->|                     |
   |                     |<-- TCP handshake -->|
   |                     |--- HTTP request --->|
   |                     |<-- HTTP response ---|
   |<-- HTTP response ---|                     |

Packet (request): | MAC | IP | TCP | HTTP |

- MAC:  Dst = <Proxy_MAC>
- IP:   Dst = <Proxy_IP>
- TCP:  Dst Port = <Proxy_Port>
- HTTP: Destination URI = <Server_URI>

The proxy knows the server via the HTTP request packet.

Proxy - HTTPS

Client                 Proxy                Server
   |<-- TCP handshake -->|                     |
   |--- CONNECT site --->|                     |
   |                     |<-- TCP handshake -->|
   |<-- TLS handshake -->|<-- TLS handshake -->|
   |--- HTTPS request -->|                     |
   |                     |--- HTTPS request -->|
   |                     |<-- HTTPS response --|
   |<-- HTTPS response --|                     |

Packet (request): | MAC | IP | TCP | HTTPS |

- MAC:   Dst = <Proxy_MAC>
- IP:    Dst = <Proxy_IP>
- TCP:   Dst Port = <Proxy_Port>
- HTTPS: Encrypted HTTP request

The proxy knows the server via the HTTP CONNECT packet.


Precondition between VPN-Client and VPN-Server:
- Pre-shared keys or TLS handshake

VPN-Client                   VPN-Server             Server
    |<----- TCP handshake ----->|                     |
    |--- Packed HTTP request -->|                     |
    |                           |<-- TCP handshake -->|
    |                           |--- HTTP request --->|
    |                           |<-- HTTP response ---|
    |<-- Packed HTTP response --|
Packet (packed request): | MAC_VPN | IP_VPN | TCP_VPN | MAC | IP | TCP | HTTP |
                                                      \------ Encrypted ------/

- MAC_VPN: Dst = <VPN-Server_MAC>
- IP_VPN:  Dst = <VPN-Server_IP>
- TCP_VPN: Dst Port = <VPN-Server_Port>

The VPN-server knows the server after decrypting the packet.


Precondition between VPN-Client and VPN-Server:
- Pre-shared keys or TLS handshake

VPN-Client                   VPN-Server               Server
    |<----- TCP handshake ------>|                         |
    |<----- TLS handshake ------>|<-- TCP/TLS handshake -->|
    |--- Packed HTTPS request -->|                         |
    |                            |----- HTTPS request ---->|
    |                            |<---- HTTPS response ----|
    |<-- Packed HTTPS response --|
Packet (packed request): | MAC_VPN | IP_VPN | TCP_VPN | MAC | IP | TCP | HTTPS |
                                                      \------ Encrypted -------/

- MAC_VPN: Dst = <VPN-Server_MAC>
- IP_VPN:  Dst = <VPN-Server_IP>
- TCP_VPN: Dst Port = <VPN-Server_Port>

The VPN-server knows the server after decrypting the packet.