There are plenty of different situations where you will possible fall. For example if you stumble over an obstacle, fall of a ladder or get thrown by an opponent. To reduce the damage created by a fall you should perform a breakfall.
1. Shoulder roll
It’s the softest breakfall, but it’s necessary to have the possiblity to perform it.
- Don’t roll over your head, spine or knees
- Don’t bend your leg inwards while standing up
- Forward: Roll over one shoulder close to the front leg and then diagonal down to the oposite hip
- Stand up: Outside of foot (on side where you rolled over hip), Bottom of foot (on other side)
- Applications:
– Throws: Tomoe-Nage, Sumi-Gaeshi, Soto-Makikomi, Yoko-Wakare, Yoko-Otoshi
– Ne-Waza: Escape a lock, like Kimura or Omoplata
- Backward: Roll over the hip close to the rear leg and then diagonal up to the oposite shoulder
- Applications: Safely land a jump off an obstacle during parkour (Forward roll as well)
2. Slap fall
It’s the breakfall to perform, when there isn’t the possiblity for a shoulder roll.
- Breathe out before hitting the ground
- Slap the ground right before hitting it
- Don’t land on your head, spine, hips or knees
- Neither post a stiff arm nor a stiff leg
Forward (Mae)
Mae-ukemi (Hard)
- Soft: Start on knees, Move pelvis forward, Turn head, Fall forward (Roll movement)
- Applications: Just for fun
- Hard: Start on feet, Fall forward, (Move feet backward), (Turn head), Land on forearms
- Applications: Throws from behind (e.g. Morote-gari)
- Soft: Start on knees, Move pelvis forward, Turn head, Fall forward (Roll movement)
Backward (Ushiro)
Ushiro-ukemi (Soft)
- Soft: Start on feet, Lower pelvis (Bend legs), Round spine, Fall backward (Roll movement)
- Applications: Tani-otoshi, Kani-basami
- Hard: Start on feet, Fall backward (Keep spine straight), Land on upper back and arms
- Applications: Morote-gari
- Soft: Start on feet, Lower pelvis (Bend legs), Round spine, Fall backward (Roll movement)
Sideward (Yoko)
Yoko-ukemi (Hard)
- Soft: Start on feet, Lower pelvis (Bend one leg), Round spine, Fall sidewards (Roll movement)
- Applications: Just for fun
- Hard: Start on feet, Lower pelvis (Bend one leg), Fall sidewards, Land on one side and arm
- Applications:
– Throws: Seoi-nage, Tai-otoshi, Uki-goshi, Koshi-guruma, Uchi-mata, Ashi-guruma
– Bouldering: Falling of a low roof - Other entires:
– Mae-mawari-ukemi (Forward roll entry)– Tobi-ukemi (High fall entry)
“Slap fall (Judo style) vs. Feather fall (Aikido style)” from an Aikido perspective
- Applications:
- Soft: Start on feet, Lower pelvis (Bend one leg), Round spine, Fall sidewards (Roll movement)