Authentication – Session-based vs. Token-based

The client logs into the server and gets a session id. The server caches all sessions to be able to verify them.

             Client                              Server
                |                                   |
                |--- POST /login { User, Pass } --->| Store session
Store SessionId |<----------- SessionId ------------|
                |                                   |
                |--- GET /data { SessionId } ------>|
                |                                   |
                |--- POST /logout { SessionId } --->| Remove session

Storage for the SessionId can either be a cookie, the local storage or the session storage.

The client requests a token from a specific server and then uses this token to verify itself at the same or another server.

         Client                            Auth-Server
            |                                   |
            |--- POST /login { User, Pass } --->| Create Token
Store Token |<------------- Token --------------|                 Content-Server
            |                                                           |
            |------------------ GET /data { Token } ------------------->|

Storage for the Token can either be a cookie, the local storage or the session storage.